Hi all..well it's been a LOOONNNGGG time. Big surprise. I"ve been on a non-stop trip to music land in the last two months. Andrés and I embarked upon a album making journey that has almost come to an end. We are in the final stages of production. The album cover is printed and ready to be packaged, and Andrés is doing the final mixing and mastering of the album. We're taking INDIE music to whole new level!!!
Our album is on pre-sale right now for folks to buy before the official release date (TBA--most likely beginning of November 2010)! You can either email me directly at janekellummusic@gmail.com to pay with check or money order or go to our online store at MyFavoriteBand and pay with PayPal. www.myfavoriteband.com/janekellummusic.
Besides the music, I am finishing up a six-month intensive personal development experience which entailed a lot of "facing reality" about who I truly am. There were ups and downs along the way during this experience that I completed in a team of nine wonderful people. Accepting that I don't know what I don't know takes a lot of courage, and I'm still learning what that means.
Andrés and I are doing great and learning about love together each day...
On the work end, I've been working on a pro-bono basis as a Program Development consultant at La Casa del Encuentro (www.lacasadelencuentro.org), an organization that works to prevent and eliminate violence against women and children (gender-based violence) and especially the trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation. Currently, we are working on a proposal that will specifically target prevention of child trafficking for sexual exploitation in the northern region of the country. If all goes well, I should be dedicating myself fully to this project beginning next year.
I've got a cat now as well so I guess that means I am pretty settled here in Buenos Aires...something I never thought could happen. That's the beauty of life (and paradox)....we end up in places "unimaginable" if we let ourselves simply imagine...
Love to all....
Official Website: www.janekellumandcasalaspro.com
MySpace: www.myspace.com/janekellummusic
Blogger: www.janekellumandcasalaspro.blogspot.com
Google Buzz: janekellummusic@gmail.com
Facebook: Jane Kellum & Don Casalaspro Fan Page
Twitter: janekcasalaspro