Wednesday, February 13, 2008

So what is the Rotary World Peace Fellowship?

I wrongly assumed that all of you who are looking at this blog actually know what I am doing in Argentina and how I got here. Rotary International (see Interesting Links) awarded me one of its 60 World Peace Fellowships for this year. There are seven universities in the world where a WPF can study: UC Berkeley, Duke University, UC Chapel Hill, Christian University (Tokyo), University of Queensland (Australia), University of Bradford (U.K.), and Universidad del Salvador (Argentina). These universities are considered Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution. The WPF gives young professionals the opportunity to obtain a M.A. in Peace and Conflict Studies. The Peace Fellows come from all of over the world. My group consists of a Brazilian, an Italian, a Chilean, a Belgian, and four of us from the United States. We will be taking our courses with Argentine students as well.


Anonymous said...

Look at you in summer clothes. It's been raining here since you left Jane. I love this blog. Keep those stories coming. I'm going snow showing this weekend and you'll be out in the sunshine in shorts. Hmmmm.... some things just aren't fair! Miss ya, April

PS - I have skype set up.

Anonymous said...

You are looking good. I am enjoying your blog, too. I will check it out every few days. But I have to ask what is skype? I certainly hope you have a great time there. It all seems so interesting. Love ya, Aunt Peggy

Jane K said...

Skype is an online way to talk through the internet. You just need to have a microphone for your computer and webcam if you want the person to see you. Go to to download the software for free.

